Common questions

Can you skip the Legion intro?

Can you skip the Legion intro?

There’s an easy way to skip the Legion intro scenario in the Shadowlands pre-patch. 1. Talk to the NPC to set sail for the Broken Shore. Talk to the NPC in front of you to skip the Legion introductory quests and head straight to Dalaran.

How do I start the Legion Questline?

If your character is level 50 or above, visit the Hero’s Call Board in Stormwind or the Warchief’s Command Board in Orgrimmar and pick up the Broken Shore option “Fight The Legion”. This will grant you the quest “The Legion Returns” (Alliance/Horde).

How do I start Legion at 98?

You get the option to do the scenario, or skip the whole thing and go straight to Dal. After a little walking around, your Order Hall NPC will show up. Pretty sure if you log out and then log back in when you hit 98 you can get the quest from the Adventure Guide, or it’ll just pop up.

How do I start a new zone in Legion?

Yep. Go back to your mission board in your class hall, go to the map, and click the zone you want to start in.

How do I start legion quests at 120?

got this from another forum and it worked.

  1. Get a friend who level boosted (can’t have done intro quest to Legion) as something other than a shaman.
  2. Go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar together.
  3. Accept the quest “The Legion Returns” from the war board.
  4. Go to the NPC turn-in location.

How do you get the Argus 120 boost?

A2A: To get to Argus, you have to do the entire Broken Shore questline. That means Uniting the Isles (if you don’t already have a toon that’s reached Friendly with the Nightfallen, Court of Farondis, Highmountain, the Dreamweavers, and the Valarjar—if you’ve already done this on one character, it’s account-wide).

How do you get the hand of fate?

Talk to Khadgar at Krasus’ Landing and accept the Assault on Broken Shore quest. Speak to Khadgar again and choose the option skip the scenario, then complete the quest. Come back to Dalaran to pick up The Hand of Fate.

How do you skip Argus intro?

You have to do the Broken Shore intro first (or skip it if you’ve done it before). Then fly back to Dalaran and they’ll offer you a trip to the Exodar.

Where is the portal to Argus?

Reaching the Vindicaar Dalaran Hearthstone and reach the Vindicaar from Krasus Landing in Dalaran. This is how Krasus Landing in Dalaran looks like if you haven’t unlocked the Lightfoged Beacon to the Vindicaar yet. The portal will appear to the left side of the High Vindicator when it becomes available.

Can you solo Antorus the burning throne at 120?

Impossible to solo. You need to bring like a few more friends to bring him down before he can cast Flame Rend.

Can you solo Tomb of Sargeras?

The Demonic Inquisition encounter in Tomb of Sargeras is soloable, and once you get used to juggling the Unbearable Torment and knowing when to Confess, it’s not really that bad, but it does have a learning curve and you won’t likely be able to just steamroll them dead before it comes into play yet.

Can you solo Antorus the burning throne Shadowlands?

Ion Hazzikostas on Soloing Old Raids – Legion Raids Easily Soloable by the End of Shadowlands. This means that by the end of Shadowlands, players should be able to comfortably solo Legion raids including Antorus, the Burning Throne.

Can you solo Legion dungeons at 120?

So yes, especially at 120. At 120, you can solo a lot of Legion raids.

What level can you solo Legion raids?

While investigating the difficulty of doing legacy content at level 60 in beta, we discovered that, currently, it is way harder to solo Legion content at 60 than it is at 50.

Can you solo mythic Antorus?

You can’t solo the boss on that long bridge. (Forgot his name) He will chain sleep you till you die. This is true even on the queued LFR version which is really stupid. They won’t fix the bosses to be completely solo-able until next expansion when it becomes “Legacy Loot”.

How do I skip mythic Eonar?

How do you get the skip? You have to kill Emonar 4 times which you can’t unless someone has the “Eonar” skip already. Because you need to kill Eonar to get to Emonar.

Can you solo Eonar on normal?

Eonar is easy to solo on LFR difficulty. I’ve also soloed Eonar on Normal as a 450 ilvl Prot Warrior. It’s more hectic, but still reasonably doable.

Can you solo coven of Shivarra?

Blizzard makes all old raid bosses soloable, when they change them to legacy loot. Coven of Shivarra seems the only boss who isnt soloable at the moment. Blizzard makes all old raid bosses soloable, when they change them to legacy loot. Coven of Shivarra seems the only boss who isnt soloable at the moment.

Can you skip Varimathras?

Be aware there is no direct skip to the Unmaker. You will always have to kill 1st boss, then teleport to The burning Throne, then kill Aggramar and then you get to the Unmaker.