Common questions

Can you give a horse human antihistamine?

Can you give a horse human antihistamine?

They are generally considered safe, but are of questionable value. Extra-label use of human antihistamines is also common in equine practice. Examples of these medications include hydroxyzine, diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and cetirizine, among many others.

What causes hives on horses?

The most common causes of hives in horses are insect bites or stings, medications, and exposure to allergens. Other potential causes include vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels of the skin), food allergy, ringworm, and pemphigus foliaceus.

What can you give a horse for allergies?

Your veterinarian can prescribe several medications to calm an allergic response. Dexamethasone or other corticosteroids are effective for treating severe reactions. If your horse is only moderately itchy or has hives, antihistamines can be useful.

Can horses have seasonal allergies?

Common Symptoms Include Hives, Itchiness, Coughs, and Runny Nose. Like many humans, horses can also develop seasonal allergies, and the symptoms can be as varied as they are with humans.

Can horses be allergic to grass?

Horses can be allergic to grass via consumption, coming into contact with it, or inhalation of the pollen. If your horse is experiencing any type of respiratory distress from an inhalation allergy, it needs to be treated as a medical emergency.

What do you give a horse with heaves?

Horses with heaves ideally should be at pasture with fresh grass as the source of roughage, supplemented with pelleted feed. If horses must be stalled they should be maintained in a clean, controlled environment and fed a dust free diet (for instance, a complete pelleted feed) to minimize dust exposure.

Can a horse with heaves be ridden?

If the condition is relatively mild and easily controlled by environmental management and occasional medications for flare-ups, horses with heaves can still be ridden, with the understanding that there may be some times of the year (such as dry, dusty summer months, or periods of heavy pollen count) that heavy working …

Can a horse recover from heaves?

Horse heaves is chronic and can threaten your horse’s long-term health and performance. Although your horse’s heaves can’t be cured, and severe cases are difficult to manage, catching it early will help you manage it as well as possible, and perhaps minimize its damage to your horse’s lungs.

What do you give a horse with COPD?

The most useful medications are bronchodilators and corticosteroids. Bronchodilators are used to relieve the respiratory distress experienced by horses during acute episodes. They relax the smooth muscle in the airways.

Can a horse with COPD be ridden?

Usually, however, you can make a difference in his comfort level. Maximum turnout is one of the best things you can do for a horse with heaves. Flared nostrils and an obvious effort in breathing are symptoms of a horse with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

What causes respiratory problems in horses?

Causes. The common infectious equine respiratory diseases are strangles, equine influenza and the equine herpesviruses. Other infections also circulate including the equine rhinitis viruses and equine adenoviruses, but these are less common.

What does a heave line look like on a horse?

In its advanced stages, the horse will develop “heave lines” – a pronounced line along the lower half of the animal’s barrel, below its rib cage. Because the horse breathes only through its nostrils, and not its mouth, managing respiratory conditions is vital, particularly for sport horses.

Should you ride a horse with a cough?

“If there’s a nasal discharge, even if it’s clear, or some swollen lymph nodes when you feel around on the neck, or a mild fever, you should move that horse away from the others.” A coughing horse with a respiratory illness can easily spread it to other herdmates.

Why is my horse coughing when I ride?

IAD. Two common causes of cough that owners often confuse are Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), better known as “heaves,” and Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD). RAO is a condition that generally affects older horses. These horses show increased respiratory effort at rest, exercise intolerance, and a cough.

Can horses have asthma attacks?

What is Equine Asthma? Equine asthma is an inflammatory condition in horses caused by the inhalation of material which causes an allergic reaction within the airways.

How is asthma treated in horses?

The two most commonly used medications for equine asthma patients are corticosteroids and bronchodilators. Corticosteroids, administered either systemically or by aerosol, can rapidly improve lung function, but some horses require chronic administration in order to keep clinical signs of disease at bay.

How do I know if my horse has asthma?

Equine asthma can take their breath away Severe equine asthma is recognized most commonly by episodes of laboured breathing, even at rest. Horses suffering from this condition also have a chronic cough, nasal discharge and exercise intolerance.

How do you help a horse with breathing problems?

Coping with breathing problems

  1. Use a dust-free bedding such as rubber matting and ensure good stable ventilation (not draughts)
  2. Feed haylage or soaked hay of good quality.
  3. Groom outside.
  4. Keep affected horses away from the muck heap, hay store and other horses on dusty bedding.
  5. Remove the horse from the stable while mucking out.

What helps a horse with a cough?

What to do: Rest the horse two days for every day he coughs and make sure he gets plenty of fresh air. Tell your veterinarian about the situation, though a farm visit may not be necessary. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, but careful nursing can help the horse’s immune system do its job.

What does it mean when a horse breathes on you?

Horses show affection for one another by gently blowing into each other’s nostrils, and your horse may be trying to show affection for you as if you were another horse.

How do I know if my horse has heaves?

Horses with the more severe form of the disease may exhibit signs of difficult breathing (nostril flaring and visible “heaving”) while at rest as well as frequent coughing, wheezing and exercise intolerance (that is, they may not be able to move any faster than a walk).

What is broken wind horse?

Recurrent airway obstruction, also known as broken wind, heaves, wind-broke horse, or sometimes by the term usually reserved for humans, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or disorder (COPD) – it is a respiratory disease or chronic condition of horses involving an allergic bronchitis characterised by wheezing.

How do you calm a horse?

Tips To Help Calm A Nervous Horse

  1. Talk to the Horse. Your voice can be reassuring to a nervous horse, and speaking has an added benefit – it forces you to breathe and relax, even just a little bit.
  2. Move Slowly.
  3. Ask the Horse to Lower Its Head.
  4. Let the Horse Inspect the Frightening Issue.
  5. Breathe.
  6. Don’t Make It Into a Big Deal.