Can Capricorns be evil?

Can Capricorns be evil?

Bad Capricorns, too, can inspire cultish devotion, and they use their powers for evil, and often hide behind excuses about having committed atrocities for some larger good, and claim only to be dedicated to their work.

What is Capricorn evil power?

Capricorn: World Domination If you ever wanted to take over the world (which we all know you do), your enemies would be under your rule in no time. Your power would weigh over your royal subjects and no one could ever disobey your law.

Is Capricorn a dangerous sign?

What matters is that Capricorn is totally dangerous… and don’t you forget it. In additional to being vain, Capricorn is also arrogant. This means that she isn’t always convinced that the rules apply to her – and everyone, really – so she’ll do illegal and off-the-wall things just because she can.

Are Capricorns rich?

Capricorn – 4th There are 10 billionaire Capricorns. Some of the most notable are: Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, worth $45.2 billion; Russian entrepreneur Vladimir Potanin, worth $12.1 billion; and Safra National Bank of New York chairman Joseph Safra, worth $17.2 billion.

Is Capricorn good with money?

Capricorns understand the importance of saving money for the future, so they don’t waste their money. They are career-oriented and work hard towards their goals, so financial stability and success are bound to happen for them.

Are Capricorns the smartest?

Capricorns tend to be very intelligent and have the ability to put their brain to good use. They are life-long students in a variety of subjects. They don’t give up — when they make a mistake, they learn from it and adapt.

Why are Capricorns so arrogant?

When you don’t know something that he does, he can get incredibly condescending. Why? Because it makes him feel better knowing that he’s smarter than you and can prove it. In fact, Capricorn is so arrogant about his smarts that he finds immense pleasure in bringing you down.