Common questions

Are Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye a couple?

Are Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye a couple?

He doesn’t marry anyone. However, it’s been clear that if he ever got around to it, it’d be Riza Hawkeye, his master’s daughter. And this is a relationship that Riza herself most definitely returns as her trust in Roy as well as his trust in her is one of the most powerful ones in the series. He doesn’t marry anyone.

Do Roy and Riza get married?

“Roy and Riza do not get married in manga canon or either of the anime adaptations. However, in the third Fullmetal Alchemist artbook, the creator, Hiromu Arakawa, basically said that the only reason Roy and Riza weren’t married because of military regulations; it is implied they would do so if they could..”

What is Riza Hawkeye tattoo for?

Her father, Berthold, didn’t want to document his findings in a more traditional way, fearing his flame alchemy expertise falling into the wrong hands. Instead, he tattooed a coded transmutation array, containing all his discoveries onto her back. He made Riza a living guardian of his life’s work.

Who is God in FMA?

Truth embodies the universe, serves as both a deity and monad for it, and also represents the consciousnesses and consciences of living things. Truth is all things in the universe and, therefore, the closest thing to the concept of “God” to appear in the series.

Why did truth take Mustangs?

In Mustangs case, he wanted to be the leader and fulfill his vision for Amestris to be a just nation, military nonetheless. Which was what Truth took form him, how can a leader lead when he has no vision to see the future of his country come to fruition.

How did Ed’s mom die?

However, they didn’t realize that she smiled because it reminded her of Hohenheim and his own talents in alchemy. Trisha succumbed to an illness during an outbreak and fell fatally ill.

Is Bangalore a girl apex?

Bangalore is a Legend that is free and unlocked in the base game….

Professional Soldier
Real Name Anita Williams
Gender Female

Will Wraith get a buff?

Wraith has been further adjusted, and the buff to Mirage which was accidentally included in the Fight Night patch notes, has finally been added.

Will octane get a buff?

Apex Legends’ fast-talking, fast-moving Adrenaline Junkie has long been one of the game’s most popular characters, but his win rate often lands a lot lower than his play rate. Respawn Entertainment Octane finally got his Apex Legends buffs, but they’ve “broken” his ultimate at the same time.

Did Wraith get nerfed?

Going through a phase. Poor Wraith – she’s already had her tactical ability tweaked and her iconic Naruto run removed entirely, but it seems all that still wasn’t enough to weaken the legend, as Respawn is now increasing the size of her hitbox.

Did octane get nerfed?

Octane has been dominant in Apex Legends for a while now, but the devs revealed plans to nerf him by changing how his Stim works. Octane is arguably one of the strongest picks in Apex Legends right now. He can get in and out of a pinch in no time, thanks to the speed and maneuverability buff from his Stim..